Traffic accidents are a leading cause of death among American teenagers. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 2,400 American teens lost their lives in accidents in 2019—and over a quarter of a million teens suffered injuries that required a trip to the emergency room. These statistics are alarming, but there are ways to protect your teen driver, such as through education and by leading by example.
When parents make a point to educate their teens on the importance of safe driving by modeling safe driving habits, the more likely it is that these teens will develop these habits for themselves.
A few safe driving habits to begin with include:
- Make sure to always buckle up: This simple habit can go a long way toward protecting you and your teen in the event of a crash. Make it a habit to ask other passengers if they are buckled up before pulling out of the driveway.
- Take a couple of minutes to settle in before driving: This includes taking time to pick a radio station, fix climate controls, and set up the GPS or your preferred navigation app.
- Don't use your phone while driving: It is best not to use your phone at all when driving, as even attempting to use it in hands-free mode can take your attention away from the road.
- Don't go over the speed limit: Far too many adults speed. When a teen has seen their parents speed down the road all their life, they are certainly more likely to pick up a habit of speeding themself.
- Never drink and drive: Adopt a zero-tolerance policy for drinking and driving, and stress the importance of always having a designated driver. Even if your teen doesn't seem like they would drink alcohol, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Educating them about the dangers of drinking and driving can also follow them into adulthood.
No one likes to listen to someone who doesn't practice what they preach—especially teens. If you want your teen to drive safely, you will need to drive safely too.
Striving to Make the Road a Safer Place
Our attorneys at Karns & Kerrison are thoroughly experienced in advocating for auto accident victims. In fact, our track record amounts to over $250 million in client compensation. If you have been injured, you deserve award-winning representation; you deserve the help of a Karns & Kerrison attorney.
Contact our Rhode Island law firm online or call us at (888) 281-3100 for a free consultation.
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