Karns & Kerrison Blog

Who is responsible when a dangerous product causes you harm?

Posted by Robert T. Karns | Aug 17, 2017 | 0 Comments

When you purchase a product, whether it's a medication or a toy for your child, you have the expectation that it will not cause harm. However, defective products are the cause of accidents and illnesses all the time, and Rhode Island consumers often end up wondering who is responsible and what they should do next. 

If you or a loved one suffered harm because of a defective or dangerous consumer product, you have the right to take legal action. With assistance, you may be able to determine who is liable for your suffering and take the appropriate steps to secure rightful compensation.

Find out who and what is to blame

One of the first steps for you to take is to identify all of the parties who may be to blame for your pain and suffering. Determining liability can be a complex process, and many times, multiple parties could bear some legal liability for the dangerous product. It is possible that any of the following will carry a share of the blame for the damage caused by an unsafe product sold or prescribed to consumers:

  • The manufacturer of the individual component parts
  • The manufacturer of the final product
  • The wholesaler
  • The party that assembled the parts or installed the faulty product
  • The party that sold the product to the public

In addition to identifying potentially liable parties, any civil claim would also have to prove that your injuries were the direct result of the dangerous product. A thorough investigation of the circumstances of your case and the particulars of what happened to you could reveal that one of the following is to blame for your injury:

  • A manufacturing defect
  • A problem with the design of the product
  • An issue with the marketing or advertising of the product

Building a products liability claim takes both experience and knowledge of the applicable laws. It is best not to tackle these complex legal issues on your own, but to seek support and guidance before you take the first step.

The recovery and recompense you deserve

If you or a loved one suffered harm because of a dangerous product, you may wonder whether there is anything you can do about it. You should know that you may have options. You not only have the right to know your options, but you also have the right to seek compensation if you have a valid products liability claim.

About the Author

Robert T. Karns

Founding Attorney


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